
Baja Community Foundation is now the channel to process your US tax-deductible donations

Dear Donor,
Please de advised that Liga MAC will no longer receive US tax-deductible donations through the International Community Foundation.
From now on, please process your donations to Liga MAC through the Baja Community Foundation, a 501(c) 3 registered in the state of Washington and with the US Internal Revenue Service. Donations by US citizens are 100% tax deductible. 

You can donate on-line with your Visa, Master Card, American Express or Discover credit card HERE

Or, make a check payable to Baja Community Foundation and mail to:

PO Box 2461Silverdale, WA 98383United States 

The Baja Community Foundation is supported by many volunteers.

We want to thank our friends at ICF for the support provided to Liga MAC all these years. We are forever grateful for helping us to grow.

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