
Successful completion of the Health through Education Program

In September 2017 Liga MAC launched a new pilot program to promote a healthy lifestyle amongst its scholars and families. Our goal was to educate the Liga MAC students in basic areas of personal health care, such as healthy eating, regular exercise, self-care and dental hygiene to prevent obesity and its associated diseases, as well as preventing the high costs attributed lack of dental care and its consequences.

The pilot program finished successfully on Saturday, June 16, 2018. All the sessions were carried out with as planned, with the participation of all the professionals involved since the beginning: 2 licensed nutritionists, 5 interns, 2 medical doctors, 2 dentists and 1 physical educator.

32 our of 46 participants (70%) finished the program and 100% reported having made at least one significant improvement in their lifestyle habits. In addition, 87% shared what they learned with the members of their family.

Brushing teeth 3 times a day changed from 10% to 53% of the participants. Likewise, only 31% had visited a dentist before for a cleanup; which increased to 67%. Most participants used their medical coverage at Seguro Popular for basic dental care, which no costs to their families.

The physical activity reported changed from being null amongst 45% of the participants to having incorporated some exercise in their lives increasing that number to 81% of them.

We are now planning the second (and improved) edition of this program, to begin this Fall.

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